Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A new idea...

While trying to develop my technology skills for the classroom I have come across so many neat 'techie' things I had only overheard high school babysitters talk about. I now know a few friends who have their own blogs and I thought I should give it a try. Though I am not a shy person by nature...I can say I won't be sharing my address with friends and loved ones for a while. My idea regarding this blog is...if I write it...maybe it will come. IT may change from day to day. IT may be a dream I have...IT may be a goal I have set, and once I've 'published' it I will feel it is more important to attain. Mostly, I have enjoyed watching my daughter develop as a writer. She has terrible spelling skills-she gets that from me-but she has a wonderful imagination. I'd like to think she gets that from me as well, though I know I have let go of parts of my creative brain. I wonder if I have sacrificed my creative nature to try and achieve goals. My guess is though, if I spent more time nurturing those creative juices...that I would find more pleasure in my day-to-day life. I realized a short time ago that when asked by almost anybody, "How are you today?" That my response wasn't -Fabulous, Great or even usually was "Tired, Sick or Grouchy." Those are words that don't 'suit' the real I am going in search of a brighter outlook!


Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Isn't it interesting that even almost a year ago you were thinking about making changes in search of more day to day happiness and that at that time you were thinking towards creative outlets... now you have landed on quilting... so much creativity, so much pride, so much color, so much warmth, so much love in every stitch. I'm glad you are following your heart.

Stacy B said...

I am glad you decided to come out of the closet and share your web journal. It is sometimes a challenge to keep the posts upbeat but I have found that if you try, some of those grouchy moments can turn into laughter. This is excellent.