Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving at Home

We made a trip 'home' to Klamath Falls for Thanksgiving. We over indulged in pie, stuffing, turkey, gravy, etc... I think it is my favorite meal of the year. While home we found a few geocaches, took rides on the tractor and visited the Winter Lights show at Moore Park. The weather was clear and cold. I had forgotten how it feels when your nose hairs freeze when you step outside in this dry climate. Not my favorite feeling in the world...but much better than swatting at a million mosquitoes in the summer months. Jake the dog and I took walks down to the river. He sniffed at frozen mud puddles, rolled in manure and met his first electric fence. Priceless.
My girls got their first taste of random acts of kindness. We stopped to eat at Arby's in Redmond...there were not many people there...but we had to wait a few minutes. My girls were happy to be out of the car, so they were being pretty patient. About half way through dinner the manager approached us, thanked us for being patient, and said that dinner was on them that night. We felt it unnecessary, but thanked her and then took the opportunity to explain RAK to the girls. We have had lots of moments this trip where the girls have tried to decide where to 'pass it on'. I do believe it will be on our way home. Our plan is to pay for someone elses meal before they get their check, but after we have left. It will be fun. Giving feels so good.

I set out to take our annual Christmas card picture. Marc and I decided not to get gussied up, so we will rely on the girls to spread cheer this season.
Hmmm...I'm about ready to give out my blog address. Maybe in the annual Christmas card letter. That will give me a month to figure this all out. Only the real addicts (you know who you are) will be desperate enough to go back and read these old posts...(I hope.)
Penny thought/question for the day: Where is home?
It is wonderful pulling into Klamath, home again. It is even more wonderful pulling into Pendleton. Home! I can't imagine one without the other.

1 comment:

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I so glad you shared your address and that you call Pendleton home!!!