Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow Day


I remember longing for snow days as a child. Guess what? Some things never change. I also recall my mother dreading long weekends AND snow days. I guess the teacher in me overrides my mothering instincts in this case, as this has been a wonderfully long weekend. Last week we had Monday off in observance of MLK. Kids had no school on Friday so we could do report cards. This Monday we had a rare Snow Day. Other than Taryn, who was sick in bed, we all enjoyed our day. We usually have to go to the mountains to find this much snow.

One of my favorite activities Monday was sitting in my kitchen sink watching my birds! Simple minds, simple pleasures!

My least favorite activity was monitoring the playground on Tuesday. Try enforcing the 'No Snowball' rule with third graders!

A penny thought: "I'll be back!" Words to my snow shovel. I was out there 5 x's in one day. I guess I'm the dummy for not waiting for it to quit snowing first.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for shoveling our snow and forcing my dog to relieve himself out in the white wonderland.

I love your pics. I wish I could have been sitting in your kitchen sipping coffee and chatting... that would have truly been a pleasure.

Ronda said...

Giggling at this penny thought also! Stanford University says it is easier on your body to do several short workouts than one long one...and you get the same benefit!

Great picture!