Sunday, March 16, 2008


I have been waiting for this day to come for a long time. Most of my summer memories as a kid were wrapped around the first weekend in August.

I grew up in the country. There were no play dates. There were no dance groups. There were no swimming clubs. Swimming lessons took place at 9 am in the morning, in a town 30 miles from my house. The water was usually balmy - I'd guess 60 degrees at best. There weren't even parks with play structures...just treacherous merry-go-rounds, teeter-totters and a swing or two...

But...that first weekend in August meant it was FAIR TIME.

I participated in 4-H for nine did my sister and brother...and my dad and uncle when they were young. I raised 8 market lambs and one market steer. I did cooking, sewing, table setting and the style review.

Fair time for me was a time of independence. Mom and dad would drag us into the fair before the sun was up. We'd be wearing all sorts of layers of clothes. It would be chilly in the morning and 100 degrees in the afternoon. Tucked inside our pockets were a few wrinkled dollars...enough for lunch and a snack or two, but not enough for any of the carnival games.

My friends and I would walk miles around the grounds. We'd pet rabbits, wish we owned horses and wonder why anyone on earth would want to chase around one of those obnoxious pigs.

My favorite treat was a dripping sticky ice cream cone. We could also get Cherry Teem soda. It was pink and bubbly and I loved it.

When I had my girls, I knew I would want them to be able to have the same wonderful experience that I did through 4-H.

Taryn is now old enough to have a market lamb. She will also be doing cooking and sewing. We have hooked up with a wonderful group of 4-H'ers in Athena-Weston. I am re-learning all about lambs, feed, equipment and lamb disease.

The funny thing about 4-H and my memories...I DO NOT remember it being so much work. Probably because it wasn't SO MUCH WORK for me as a kid. My mom and dad were the ones doing all the WORK. Oh well. I loved it none-the-less.

You decide...Does it look like Taryn is at all interested in this 4-H nonsense....
Building Fence in the rain.

She's even wearing work gloves!

Isn't he cute?

Meet Max...or should I say Max Meat!

To be continued...for about the next 13 or so years...

A Penny Thought: "I'm always fascinated by the way memory diffuses fact. "~Diane Sawyer

Thank You Mom & Dad! I continue to discover all the effort it takes to raise these wild & wooley kids. How'd you make it look so easy?


Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I am so excited for your family to begin this journey. What a true family experience :) My girls were jazzed to meet Max too!!! I can't wait to see Taryn at the fair.

Ronda said...

What a journey this will be!!! :)
I am so sorry Taryn had to build fence in the rain! Been there, done that, still don't enjoy building fence in the rain.

Lindsay said...

woohoo!! how fun ... for ALL of you!
Looking forward to Max posts, as I'm sure there will be many!

Go 4-H mom, go!! :)

Stacy B said...

I also have very fond memories of the fair. We lived withing walking distance of the Montana State Fairgrounds. However, we didn't ever experience 4-H. I am looking forward to seeing it through your eyes now that you are on the other side of the fence. I'm sure this will build more great memories for your family.