Wednesday, April 2, 2008

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

I have been blog searching...and have seen some things that I really of them is Wordless Wednesday. Do any of you out there think I can pull this off? You know,me...wordless. It'll be tough.

I love that I could (might...might not) post any random picture I like, without any explanation or detail. Here is my first...(Almost) Wordless Wednesday post.

Fort Roscrans National Cemetary
My Grandfather is buried here.
9/8/1919 - 9/11/2007


Lindsay said...

wow... that picture makes a person really stop and think.

good luck with the wordless bit... not sure about the success rate with that :) just kidding!

Stacy B said...

I love Wordless Wednesday. I wish my girls would participate :)

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

This sounds fun :) I'm on the search for my picture. Thanks for the great idea. This doesn't mean no talking just no captions with pictures... right???

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I love your picture too!!! This is a captivating photo, place, image for silence...