Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Marc

We celebrated Marc's first, of what could be many, 39th birthday tonight. He actually said he stopped having birthdays at 22, but I don't think anyone was buying that.

Marc was followed by his harem of ladies to help him celebrate tonight. At our favorite Mexican Restaurant in town, La Fiesta on Main Street, all 7 of his guests were ladies~Kylee (2), Kyndra (5), Reagan (6), Grace (8), Taryn (11), Athena & Anne. (You didn't really think I was going to put all the ages down did you?) Marc was indeed, the guest of honor, the token male, the King of the Castle, The Man!

Joe, the owner, greeted us with his usual smile. We immediately let him know we were there to celebrate Marc's birthday. He let us know, at his restaurant, you are given a choice of a shot of tequila or a lap dance by the dishwasher for your birthday. He said the shot may be bad, but we hadn't seen the dishwasher yet. Athena and I got a good giggle out of that one. Marc enjoyed a melon margarita instead.

To balance out the dinner, Marc gets to go on a ride-along with Tony. There's nothing that gets the testosterone flowing like a good 'ole up-close-and-personal night of Cops! Marc loves to watch Tony in action. I imagine every little boy at sometime dreams of going after the bad guys. There is no guarantee of a high speed chase or interesting arrest, but a warm summer Friday night definitely holds promise. **UPDATE** Very exciting night...he was out until 4:30 am, good thing I knew he was safe. He got to see lots of action...drug dog, multi-agency pursuit of a bad guy in the act of a break in...etc.

In keeping with birthday posts I will share 39 Marc is so tempting to throw in some fiction too, but I gotta live with this guy.

  1. Allergic to beans-the legume varieties
  2. Allergic to dust & wheat-great hometown we chose right?
  3. Relies on weekly allergy shots to survive in E. Oregon
  4. Three sport letterman in HS-football, basketball, baseball
  5. Acted in a school play
  6. Took piano lessons (he swears it helped his hands in football)
  7. Worked as the girls dormitory supervisor in college (coyote-in-the-hen-house?)
  8. Worked at a golf course in college and took up the sport
  9. Very handy with power tools! (I'm talking remodeling here folks!)
  10. Has bungee jumped!
  11. Had a perm & salon tan in HS
  12. Shares his birthday with his best friend from college, Vince
  13. Loves Banana Cream Pie & Amaretto Cheesecake
  14. Is the 'Strong-Silent''t shed tears in sad movies
  15. Does the laundry better than his wife
  16. Has a magic touch with the BBQ
  17. Will always buy twice as much (of anything) than is needed
  18. Doesn't hunt and peck when typing anymore
  19. Loves to try new versions of cereals, candy bars, ice creams
  20. Throws up louder than ANYONE I have ever heard
  21. Is the oldest child of four
  22. Nickname in HS:Soko
  23. Nickname post-college:Sparky
  24. Doesn't like when I use my teacher tone on him
  25. Sits very still for make-overs & manicures that the girls give him
  26. Has 'rode the range' when working calves, but prefers a 4-wheeler
  27. Hates gristle in a piece of meat. The meal is instantly over if he bites into it.
  28. Eats & enjoys smoked oysters ~yech~
  29. Boxers not briefs, not ever
  30. His eyes close, almost always, when he smiles
  31. Has seen three professional baseball games that were No-Hitters
  32. Hospitalized when his wisdom tooth fell down larynx during extraction
  33. Falls asleep & snores instantly when his head hits the pillow-nearly always
  34. Shot and killed a cougar without using dogs in John Day mountains
  35. Graduated from the University of Montana - Go Griz!
  36. Loves to coach football
  37. Is very patient when hunting & fishing...not so patient when I am shopping
  38. Hero of three girls that love him dearly
  39. Loved by his wife in good times and in bad, through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, young and OLD, forever!


Stacy B said...

I love these facts! How fun. Joe is also sooo loud when he throws up. How did his tooth fall down his larynx?

Happy Birthday Marc!

Go Griz!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Good Job... Love the post. Marc is great and one of my favorite boys ever!!!

Ahhhh... Kylee is only two, don't pre-age her. I am more afraid of threes than of the twos with my spirited child.

Anne said...

Sorry Kylee...a lady doesn't want to age too quickly. That's what I get for posting late at night. I had to re-do Marc's picture because I had his age at 38 the first time. He wouldn't have minded I'm sure.

Lindsay said...

What fun, what fun!! Happy Birthday Marc - may your next trip around the sun be AMAZING!!

Pam M said...

Can you believe our boys are 39?? You know what that means for me, 40is just around the corner! Happy Birthday, late, Marc! What are we going to do special for the boys next year???