Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thanks Dad!

One weekend a month.

Two weeks each summer.

38 days a year.

It doesn't seem like much, really.

Back then, I didn't think about it. It was just what you did.
Back then, military personnel were not being called to active duty.
Back then, I didn't worry about war or deployment.
Back then, I didn't think about what your service meant.
Back then, I didn't worry about what you had to do when you were in Vietnam.
Back then, I was proud anyway.

Today, I am thankful. You signed up, you fought and you continued to serve.
Today, you would go again, if you were called.
Today, I support our military and our President.
Today, I explain to my children what you and others have fought to protect.
Today, I feel sorrow for families who have lost loved ones.
Today, I pray for peace in the hearts of soldiers for personal battles they may face.
Today, I am more proud than ever.

I feel like I have an understanding of service. I understand even though I have never been part of the military. I understand because you taught me, not only with your words but with your actions.

Dad, thank you for serving. I am proud!


Lindsay said...

Great post!!

Thanks to your dad is right! :)

May he know how appreciated he truly is!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Beautifully put!

May he be totally blessed knowing how proud you are of him :)

Also, I just have to say...your hair cut is FABULOUS! ;)

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Beautiful post!!! Your dad posts always get to me :)

Stacy B said...

What a nice way to express how proud you are of your dad. I don't think we always remember to express it. I love this post.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

I too am so thankful for men like your father. Wonderful post