Saturday, January 24, 2009


Have I ever mentioned that I do not like it when I am trying something new and I am not as good as I would like ...

I realize that I should not expect to be able to do things automatically...but that doesn't change that I would like to ...

Here is my second Photoshop Show & Tell. I like it better than the first ... but it took a L-O-N-G time and it still screams ROOKIE.

I'll get it ... eventually.


Cristy said...

I think it looks great, and Reagan is so stinkin cute, wow I just noticed how grown up she looks, "watch out mom and dad!!"

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

perfection is way overrated!!!

And don't get stuck on trying to cut everything out... what seems like a bad background today will in 10 years make her go "oh mom, look at our old couch and my toys..."
you know we do that with all our old pics! we look at the background and reminisce!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I think your creation is adorable. It helps that your subject is as cute as can be. I can't believe she is SEVEN. She enjoyed her party so much! Excellent job mom :)

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

awesome header!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am creating in PS7 right now!!! soon to be uploaded!

Lindsay said...

You are doing a GREAT job... and 6 years later ... I'm still learning photoshop ...

Have a great day tomorrow with your late start ... lucky you!

Stacy B said...

Its funny that cutting out the person was the first thing I wanted to do. It's such a neat effect. Try using the "feathering" feature that might blur your edges a bit.

Both this layout and your header are fun and cheerful! What more can you ask for?