Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wisconsin: Fish Tales


During our vacation in Wisconsin we were able to spend hours on the lakes and in the creek fishing. In the lakes we all caught blue gill and a few crappie.

In the creek, Marc and I were looking for

Our wonderful fish guides Don & Cal assured us we should be able to catch a Northern Pike.

We both were skunked the first few days we went out. It took us a while to get the feel of our poles. Both of us spent more time than we would have liked untangling 'birds nests' in our line.

Finally, one evening when I was about to call it quits I got a strike.

I'd like to say I was cool as a cucumber, but I squealed like a 4 year old. Everyone on the creek knew I had caught my Northern.

My fish measured 27" and weighed in at 5 lbs.

See my big muscles?

Now if you think Marc had fish fever before I caught my fish, it only got worse. Marc was diligent in getting out on the creek - taking with him both poles. Heaven forbid I catch another fish before he had caught his.

As luck would have it...he did make a catch on the last day...

His fish measured 30" and weighed in at 7 lbs.
Stinker...couldn't let me out fish him!

See his bigger muscles, holding his bigger fish?

Fishing was just one of the wonderful
adventures we had on our vacation.


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

wow! fun! huge fish!!!! woohoo!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

With pictures to prove it... a whopper of a fish story! I can just hear you screaming :) Marc probably wasn't all that pleased since he always likes to do at least double of what ever is required.

Lindsay said...

this cracks me up!! Love that you got a {big one} even if Marc's was bigger :)