Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Addition...

We volunteered to host a potluck at our house for the Knights of Columbus and others in the church who volunteered at the booths during Round Up. Wouldn't you know it, we had our first really good fall rainstorm that day!

Marc had just finished transporting our new playhouse to the concrete pad he put down this summer. The house is a hand-me-down. Ashley, the past owner, is a sophomore in college now. Her dad built it for her...which totally got Marc off the hook. He has been promising a playhouse for a few years. The girls are looking forward to spring coming so they can paint and redecorate the inside.

The house was a welcomed shelter for about 15 little kids that day.

The adults & big kids all ate on tables in the garage. (Marc worked wonders in the garage to make space to feed all the people. An added a perk for me, there in now space for me to actually park my car.)

Eventually the rain slowed down and everyone could warm up and dry off by Marc's fire.

Everyone enjoyed the fellowship, despite the damp weather!


Amy said...

Love your new banner!! Great posts too!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

It was wonderful and the rain was hardly noticed :) I think people would come in a hurricane for some of the famous tri-tip. It was fun to have you dad manning the bbq.

The playhouse is so awesome!!! Lots of memories will be made there over the next few years.

anymommy said...

I want a playhouse for our kids so badly - it looks darling. Love the fall banner picture.

Lindsay said...

Despite the weather or any other circumstance, you guys always, always, always seem to make the most of everything! I hope I can be like that someday :)

Have a GREAT weekend Anne!