Monday, November 30, 2009

New do...

I'm not a blonde right now. I've gone dark before, but never this dark. My first graders are going to flip tomorrow. Mark my words, some sweet little kid will give me a nice compliment, but I bet at least 5, no 8, kids will freak out and tell me they liked my hair the 'old' way. And by that, I hope they mean they liked it better blonde and not GRAY. There was a lot of gray to cover up. When I got called Grandma (twice in two weeks by different kids) I knew it was time to spice it up a bit.

Also, I'm not a big fan of self-portraits. They seem to be even worse when you are a nearly 40 year old trying to hide your braces. Sheesh, is it April yet?


Vodka Mom said...


and middle school concert? I say that's a fate worse than waterboarding.

Cristy said...

Love the new color, and darker for winter is always better I think, unless you are as grey as me, and it's a must to stay blond!! Looks great on you!!

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

looks awesome! I didn't know you much as a blonde anyway! ha ha!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I could get used to the hair :) I really like it lots more than other times you have went dark.

Your projects are beautiful and so is Marc's little apprentice.

Mom said...

Okay! The dark is fine but you'll have to darken the eyebrows too. This look makes your blue eyes POP. Dad isn't so much into the streaks. But what does he know.