Sunday, May 30, 2010

Orange Belt

It looks like we found her 'thing'! Grace started Taekwondo this year and loves it. -She doesn't jump up and down and talk about it non-stop. -She complains about getting ready to go. -But when we get there... she transforms to Ms. Grace.
  • She listens.
  • She participates.
  • She works hard.
  • She smiles.
  • She says, 'Yes sir' and 'Yes ma'am'.
  • She learns.

About every 2 1/2 months she has the opportunity to test for a new belt level. Her instructors 'get' Grace. They allow her to test with another student.

My favorite part of TKD is the positive teaching method. The young students not only learn from the instructors, but they learn from other classmates with higher belts. There are Tiny Tigers who aren't even in school yet and there are adults also...including a Grandma Black Belt.

There are many 'typical' students and then there are a few students, like Grace, who need special consideration. All students are treated with respect. All students are expected (and do) perform to a high level of control and with respect.

After going 2x's a week for over 5 months you would think that I would be saying they almost always use positive reinforcement strategies with their students ~ but I can't. No, they ALWAYS use positive comments. I have NEVER heard NO or THAT's not right.

I wish I could say the same thing about my teaching, but I can't ~ but two times a week I can see positive reinforcement work. And, trust me, I'm watching and I'm taking notes. Hopefully, I will learn by example and be able to apply the positive teaching approach in my own classroom and make my students feel as successful as they make Grace feel.

I am pleased to introduce Ms. Grace, my orange belt!


Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Teared up on this one... I am so happy that she has found her thing!

Mom said...

Way to go Ms. Grace. I hope I can see her do her thing soon.

Lindsay said...

Go GRACE!! Karate Kid in the making!

AmyP said...

That is so great! Way to go Grace. It was fun to watch her at the track meet today too. She is looking more and more grown up.

King of New York Hacks said...

Very cool...great sport !! ..I sparred with my niece once and she almost knocked me out !

Unknown said...

I am Korean :) Thanks to learning TaeKwondo! MASSIVE THANK YOU!!!