Friday, August 8, 2008

Aquatic Center

My Grandma, (in San Diego), always buys our family an annual pass to the Pendleton Aquatic Center for Christmas. We have been using the pool regularly every summer for our kids' entire lives. It is part of what we do. This summer we have been out and about and haven't gotten to the pool as much as we would like. We did just spend a wonderful afternoon playing with some of our 4-H friends.

  • The Coffman Family have three girls.
  • The Coffman Family has their own 13 yr. old Taryn Lee...she is their oldest.
  • Our oldest Taryn Leigh is now 11.
  • Their middle girl is 11. Her name is Megan Nicolle.
  • Our middle girl is 8. Her name - Grace Nicole.
  • Their youngest girl is Amy. She is 8.
  • Our youngest is 6 1/2.
  • Kerrie teaches - I teach.
  • Shawn hunts - Marc hunts.

We haven't spent a lot of time - all together. But I can easily imagine adventures that we may have in the future.

The Dearing kids also came to the pool. The cool connection there is that I graduated with their Aunt Julie from Henley in Klamath Falls. They are in the 4-H club also.

This pool day was special, as Grace passed the swim test for the diving pool. She didn't decide to go off the diving boards...but she did go down the big drop slide a lot!

At one point, Reagan couldn't find us. She saw all our stuff...but couldn't find us. I was taking the pics of Grace in the big pool. Reagan knows she isn't supposed to go to the deep pool without a grown up, so she found a life guard, and they paged me. She had pretty big crocodile tears welling in her eyes when I picked her up from the office. The lifeguards fell for those baby blues and gave her a big ice cream to make her feel better.

It was a wonderful day.


Lindsay said...

I {heart} the p-town aquatic center... it's one of my favorite places to go & I can't believe I never made it there once this summer... well... maybe next week. :)

Looks like you'll have little swimmers for life!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

That would be Reagan's second time lost at an aquatic center... well there have been times she has been one with the cement under a towel. I guess those would count so we don't have to look for that third time.