Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sokoloski Day Spa?

One empty flower bed, +

one shovel, & one watering can, +

one Gracie =

Thank goodness for water warmed in the hose and a huge bucket of warm water to get her 'cleaned up.' I had promised Grace she could make a mud bath this summer. Today was the perfect day to make good on my was nice and warm...not too hot. She loves the squishy stuff that is evident. Reagan got into a swim suit and gingerly put her ten toes in and decided that she wanted NOTHING to do with the mud bath. She certainly is my girlie girl.


Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness... what a spa is right?!

Looks like a muddy good time!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

You need to frame these pics and put them next to those similar mud bath pictures from when she was younger... and again when she is still enjoying playing in the dirt when she is older.