Monday, September 8, 2008


Lists are the only thing keeping me going these days. I have 'blog' written on a list somewhere. Yet, not on the top of any current list. This is a short post for my favorite brother, Jason. He keeps me on task. Thanks to Stacy too, for checking in. I miss you all when you don't post...but I get it. Really, I do get it.

Things I've crossed off my list:

  • Set up my classroom.

  • Clean out drawers of summer clothes that don't fit.

  • Finish one quilt.

  • Make a budget for this school year.

  • Photo of kids on the first day of school.

  • First day of school.

  • Round Up Twilight Breakfast.

  • Pack for Disneyland.

  • Finish book #4 of Twilight Series.

  • Camping w/Nelson's @ Target Meadow.

  • Pick Huckleberries.

  • Make Huckleberry pancakes.

  • Make Huckleberry muffins.

  • Freeze Huckleberries.

Things still on my list:

  • Upload pictures and update blog.

  • Order pictures. (1,000 + photos on computer...not yet printed.)

  • Read other 8 books on Summer Reading List.

  • Organize Sewing Room.

  • Lesson Plan...get ahead a few weeks...stay ahead. Ha-Fantasy world-

  • Take Reagan to Disneyland. (Sept. 10-14, 2008)

  • Make Huckleberry Crisp.

  • Survive Back-to-School September.

Photos may follow...

Future posts will happen...

I'm just not promising when.


Lindsay said...

I wanna go to Disneyland!!

Have the best time & keep making those lists... I think it's the only way we truly "survive" and feel like we've done a darn thing.

Here's to a GReAT school year, fun times with family and friends, and peace in the midst of the storms that we face each and every day!

Love to you -

Stacy B said...

Blog and get Stacy off my back - Check

I have missed you. Have a great trip to Disneyland with Grace! I love that you are taking her alone. I understand the hectic time of year but am so glad to hear all is well.

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I hope your list currently looks like this...

~Start over
~Don't worry about any of the lists back at home