Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are you kidding me?

Other potential post titles?

  • This was not on the list!
  • *&^%$^&*
  • Jake...the Good, the Bad, the Ugly!
  • Theme? Can you name it?
  • Why I love The Grocery Game.

Clue was one of my favorite games growing up.

Let's see if you can solve this blog mystery.

Time: 8:48 pm

Evidence: See above & below.


I'm pretty sure you all get the idea here.

* * * * *

This was not on the list. - I'm talking about my 'nothing' weekend list.

*&^%$^* - Pretty self explanatory.

Jake, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly.- The good - he's adorable. The bad - he kills cats. The ugly - I don't know how I'll wash him...I can't get near him right now.

Theme - Can you name it? - Candles and other pretty smelling things.

Why I love The Grocery Game. - I got to dig into my stockpile of pretty smelling things to take the edge off. Unfortunately tomato juice hasn't hit my list, so I'll be shopping for that tomorrow.

* * * * *

Oh dear. I'm now nestled into bed, remote in hand, candles burning, praying that Monday doesn't stink too bad.


Anonymous said...


I have been lurking here ever since I got your Xmas card last year. I check in every now and then and love the updates on your beautiful family.

1st - LOVE your dog. What kind is he? (I just had to comment because I fear he's literally in the dog house right now). How's the smell?

Also, if you EVER want to reunite, I will totally go on Amazing Race with you!!! I was just joking with my husband that I needed to find a good partner because I would love to go!

Miss you but love the blog!

~Stacie S-G

Lindsay said...

Oh my word... what an ordeal!

Hoping things start "freshening" up around your place soon!

I got the prints... will send them on Thursday via courier... cross your fingers!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Jake doesn't ever want you to forget him. He is trying to pack as much as he can into these next couple of weeks. I only wish this could have taught him a lesson that would stick so he would quit chasing those furry things.

He is such a character.
Funny Post!!!

Stacy B said...

Poor Jake. Did you get the smell out?