Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I wish I had a mind that never forgot things like jokes or silly songs, or heck, even my own name on some days. Unfortunately, I know there are many-many funnies that have been lost forever.

I am adding a new label to my blog - LOL - so I can start documenting some funny things that I know I will forget otherwise.

As I was typing this very post Athena called and said, 'Nice Comment' on Lindsay's blog. You wrote, "I tickled me." OBVIOUSLY, it was SUPPOSED to read IT TICKLED ME. Oops. I was meaning to write funny things about OTHER people in this post, but it made Athena giggle and I thought I'd better address the typo before people started asking questions....oh well. LOL!

Funny #1: Grace told me this morning that her teacher was not going to be at school today. "I'm going to have a substitute. You know, the one that passed away."

I was confused. I asked if Mrs. Fry had to go to a funeral for someone that passed away...thinking that Grace was confused. Nope.

"No mom, our substitute is the one that passed away. You know, the one that worked there last year, she passed away, SHE is our substitute."

The light bulb went on. "Mrs. Storey?"


"Grace honey, Mrs. Storey RETIRED, she didn't pass away."

"Oh, yeah."

I told Mrs. Storey today that she looked pretty good for someone who passed away last year. :-)

Funny #2: This is an old funny story, but I'm sure someday it will fade from my memory I'm writing it down.

It was my first year teaching. I had 18 second graders. We did a lot of carpet time. My mom had bought me a rocking chair for my class room as a graduation present. I would love sitting and reading to the kids because two or three little girls loved to touch my nylons. They would sit by my feet and just pet my feet and legs. I would start drooling and want to take a nap, but I would resist. It was in that very rocking chair that I told my class that I had some exciting news to share. I let them play 20 questions to guess what I might be sharing with them. No one came close so I announced that I was pregnant and would be having a baby at the end of the school year. (One day before the last day of school to be precise.) Some girls giggled. Some immediately wanted to tell me stories about someone they knew who was pregnant or who had babies that they knew. One little red headed girl sat quietly at my feet with her hand in the air. When I called on her, she said, "It's too bad you are pregnant, you were always so cute before." :-) That story may be a keeper, as it has been 8 years and I haven't forgotten her or her sympathetic look of concern yet.

More LOL's to come.


Lindsay said...

These are great!! :) and I did kind of wonder, but I figured that I was was supposed to be {it}.

Hey ... the prints... you did get them right??!! Oh I pray to God you did ~ :)

Working on a nest one right now... hope to have it printed next week to see if it's worth doing more of.

I'll send it to you and Athena to look over :)

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Great stories!!! You always make me giggle. We do need some LOL time soon. Things have been too serious and busy lately. This needs to be placed on your lovely calendar.

I think Grace was trying to get the point across to everyone today that we were moving way to much cheese!!! I agree!!!

I think you still look pretty cute after having that baby and another on top of that :)

marylu2 said...

"Kids say the darndest things!"
That is what I miss the most about teaching. Thanks for sharing.

Stacy B said...

This is a good reminder to try and write down those funny things our kids say. I always think of it then think...oh, I'll remember it. It never fails, my brain has a block right when I want to remember.

Great still are cute, even after 3 pregnancies.