Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I know that I have not been very visible in the blog world lately. I have all the usual excuses, a new school year, kids activities, laundry, meetings, etc. I am here tonight to tell you about my most recent excuse. It is how I am obsessed this week.

When I grow up I want to be one of those 'freaks' who has a spot for everything. "Everything has a place, everything in it's place." I want color coordinated containers in my closet. I want my towels folded, just so. I want dust to be a thing of the past. I want a PDA to sync with my laptop. I want my Christmas card list to update itself from my address book. I want - I want - I want.

What I KNOW about me is that I probably won't ever get to the level of 'freak' that I desire. Every now and then I will hit a stroke of good luck and I will pull off something that tickles me pink. It may be as simple as getting everyone to their appointed places on time. Other days it may be teaching an entire day without needing to run to the copy machine for something I've forgotten. Some days if I fold the laundry that has been in the dryer for 3 days it is sheer bliss.

Yesterday I was out of the door by 7 am, headed to get routine blood work to check my thyroid levels. (They were fine.) Then I headed to school. I walked out of school after a meeting at 4:20 pm. I drove through Starbucks on my way to the ESD for a 3 hour technology training. By 7:30 pm you might think that I would run out the door without a second look and collapse into bed to watch some worthless show on TV. But no...

You see...at the Tech meeting I was introduced to my newest favorite tech tool. Forgive me for being slow if you already know of the goodness of iGoogle and Google Calendar. Joe & Stacy & Ronda & Athena helped me get started on a family calendar. When the class ended, I couldn't wait to get home to set up more calendars. I ended up with SEVEN calendars on my Google Calendar. I can see Anne work, Soko Family, Marc, Taryn, Grace, Reagan or Birthday alone, or I can layer the calendars so I can actually count how many places I am supposed to be at one time. I LOVE IT!!!! I am now obsessed with adding activities to my calendar and seeing all the pretty colors pop up. If the monthly view gets too overwhelming I can switch to a week view or a day view.

So friends, please forgive me for the next few weeks. I am realizing part of a dream here. I have a color coordinated calendar for my family. Everyone has a place. Everyone is in their place. I feel like I am in control of the chaos (don't kid yourself...I know I'm not) but I do feel more at peace with this tool in my life.

I will be back...with pictures...and stories...and real life stuff...but for now...I'm hanging with Google!


Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I have known of your desire to have the perfect calendar for a long time now. I have seen it all... the little book, the handwritten color coded copy machine pages folded in the purse, the regular old calendar hanging in the kitchen, and the latest (before the breakthrough) computer generated version that had no bells and whistles. I saw the pure joy as you took the leap into the iGoogle world... and I'm so happy for you. I know this will change your life. I'll try and keep my calendar updated with Tony's schedule so you can keep track.

Lindsay said...

You want to do mine when you're done with yours?? :)

Enjoy iGoogle and all the JOY it brings!!

Blessings dear color-coded friend~