Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fun Times

It was a fun time in Portland celebrating my sister turning 40 with 60+ of her closest friends.
I enjoyed all the 'me' time I had too.
A quiet drive to Portland
Listening to the songs I like on the radio
Hitting Costco and buying a new little camera
Spending the night at the Gray Inn (A wonderful bed & breakfast.)
Shopping - Shopping - Shopping

Found a cute card for Jill's Birthday

Got really lucky with a present too

Met lots of fun people who all adore my sister

Stayed up until 2 am....yawn!
Slept in until 9 am
Drove to IKEA

Ate lunch with my good friend Amie & her daughter at Red Robin

Drove home again

Went to bed - early!

A great weekend.


Lindsay said...

LOoks like a GREAT time!! :)

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

The wine glass is just as perfect as you described it and your sister looks completely adorable. I love the picture of her as a child.

I'm glad you had such a fun-filled weekend.