Saturday, February 14, 2009

Go Griz...

Marc brought home

a little boy

{} bundle of joy {}

for Valentine's Day!

He is a 2-1/2 month old 1/2 poodle...1/2 ??? Mutt dog?

His coloring looks a bit like an Austrailian Shephard.

We love him already.

Will we love him still after ...

chewed up toys...
crying in his crate...

I'm sure we will!


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

WOW!!!!! how fun!!!!! Boy do I remember when we had a new puppy! It was like having a newborn in the house!!! whew! have fun!


Stacy B said...

Oh! He is so cute! So small. I'm happy for you. I think your sheep are safe!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

He is adorable and just a perfect fit for your family right now :) I am so happy for you.

I loved watching you and Marc surprising Grace in her classroom. It was priceless.

Lindsay said...

How's it going with Griz?! Can't believe I didn't comment on this post earlier ... anyway ... he is super cute & I'm sure you're keeping your best things up high :)