Sunday, April 12, 2009

47 days...

Lent: 47 days of:

  • no Facebook

  • no Blogging...or blog surfing

  • no Diet Coke

  • no coffee
  • (almost) no Chocolate*

*Does accidental ingestion count? I mean, I didn't accidentally eat the chocolate donut gems, but I just did it without thinking. As far as I can tell, it was my only slip.

While I was 'out' I kept myself plenty busy. I wasn't sure what would be the worst of my sacrifices. The computer withdrawal was pretty tough, but I think it helped me the most. The Diet Coke was only really bad one time...that was at the movie theater. Gatorade simply does not wash down movie theater popcorn adequately. The chocolate was bad! No coffee was the worst! I really missed my morning cup of java. I think it is just so routine in the way I start the day. It is also impossible to isolate yourself from the tempting 'fresh coffee smell' in the staff room. Tea just didn't quite cut it.

Here is a quick recap of events around here:

Baby bummer lambs - two - Flower & Rose - adopted from people who quickly realized that the 'cute' takes a lot of work. Luckily, by the time we got them they were only needing 2-3 bottles a day...and they are now completely weaned.

Puppies - two - You saw Griz as a little ball of fur...he now looks HUGE compared to our new addition 'Basil'. They are only 2 months apart in age, but right now Griz looks enormous next to her. We think Griz is 1/2 poodle & 1/2 terrier. Basil is 1/2 Shih Tzu & 1/2 Schnauzer. We love them LOTS.

4H Lambs -two - Buck (who jumps very high) & Storm (who escaped his pen one very windy afternoon) are growing and thriving.

Sewing - lots -
  • 4H outfits:
Reagan: Olivia PJ bottoms & T-Shirt

Grace: Marco Polo Monkey swim pants & T-Shirt

Taryn: Flower tank top & demin capri's

  • Anne: Bird quilt as a house warming gift for the Nelson's

Phew... there was more... but I'm getting sleepy. Did I mention that by stepping away from the computer that I got at least one or two extra hours of sleep each night?


Lindsay said...

I'm totally and completely impressed ... and PROUD of you ... but, I'm glad you're back.

Have a GREAT week!

Cristy said...

Your puppies are just adorable!!! Love your quilt so cute :) I missed you but glad you are back, you are a much stronger person than me, no chocolate may have lead to insane assylum, ha!!! Welcome back!

Angela Nazworth said...

Wow!--First--very cute kids and puppies.

Next--I don't think accidental ingestion counts...been there. :-)

Congrats on your 47 days of abstaining from some pleasures...I hope you felt a marvelous closeness to the Lord during that time...I recently did a 21 day fast and God taught me sooo much.
And thank you for your encouraging comment tonight!

Mrs. G said...

You are truly amazing to do without those things for 47 days! I love all the things that kept you busy - new puppy, baby lambs, sewing - the quilt is beautiful and I bet Athena is thrilled to pieces! What a great friend you are!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I was just thinking... why didn't I blog the beautiful quilt you made for me, but I quickly remembered it is not in my possession. I can't wait. It will truly be one of my most cherished belongings.

You did great!!! during Lent... Me not so good and that is really the first time I have completely admitted that. Glad you are back.

Stacy B said...

Gosh you got a lot done! I sure missed you online, even tho I got to see you more in person. You did it!

Ronda said...

Love the quilt!

Hit 40 said...

Great kid pics! Very cute.

Welcome back