Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday Sacrament...

Grace received her First Communion this weekend. She has been learning and practicing and asking questions and waiting for this day. Being that I am such a sentimental sap, I was tickled pink when I discovered that she would fit into the same dress that Taryn wore for her First Communion three years ago. I ordered Grace a flower halo to wear, just like Taryn wore. I took too many pictures, just like I did of Taryn.

Grace is usually not the most patient girlie when I have my camera out. If I am letting her make faces she will tolerate about 4 shots. Sunday I took more than 100. Relax, I'm not going to make you look at all of them. -I have even deleted some of them already. I think I have narrowed it down to 70 or so.

I e-mailed Beth, (my bloggy friend that Marc swears I don't know just because I have never met her in real life - HA, what does he know) and asked her to do some of her Photoshop Element magic with some of the pictures. I can't wait to see what she surprises me with. (No pressure, right?)

Here are just a few of my favorites. Rest assured...more will follow, eventually...


Lindsay said...

what GREAT, GREAT photos :)

She is beautiful ...

and in my study last night ... I smiled as I read Grace & Joy go hand in hand ...

she's got JOY written all over her!

Stacie said...

Beautiful pictures... beautiful daughter. My fav is the first one of her in the chair. The lighting is great. Thanks for sharing!

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

She is truly a gift :)

Mrs. G said...

What a beauty! I can't wait to see more of them. Are you going to place them somewhere special in your house?

Cristy said...

She is getting so grown up and adorable, love the pics, she looked beautiful!!!

Stacy B said...

I love the pictures! are beautiful!