Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Photoshop Elements #1 & #2


This one is going to be framed! Grace was so tickled to see herself...Taryn wanted to know why she didn't have a 'fancy' picture. I may be digging out the old digital files to see if I (read:Beth) can work magic on any of Taryn's pictures from three years ago. (That may require a miracle...who knows where those are safely stored!)

I actually surprised myself and was able to 'cut-out' Grace and do a few layers myself. This is what I came up with ... fun times!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday Sacrament...

Grace received her First Communion this weekend. She has been learning and practicing and asking questions and waiting for this day. Being that I am such a sentimental sap, I was tickled pink when I discovered that she would fit into the same dress that Taryn wore for her First Communion three years ago. I ordered Grace a flower halo to wear, just like Taryn wore. I took too many pictures, just like I did of Taryn.

Grace is usually not the most patient girlie when I have my camera out. If I am letting her make faces she will tolerate about 4 shots. Sunday I took more than 100. Relax, I'm not going to make you look at all of them. -I have even deleted some of them already. I think I have narrowed it down to 70 or so.

I e-mailed Beth, (my bloggy friend that Marc swears I don't know just because I have never met her in real life - HA, what does he know) and asked her to do some of her Photoshop Element magic with some of the pictures. I can't wait to see what she surprises me with. (No pressure, right?)

Here are just a few of my favorites. Rest assured...more will follow, eventually...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mixed Bag...

This week was a mixed bag for me. It is really hard for me to wrap my brain around everything. A list is about all I can do for now.

+beautiful flowers
-terrible allergies...

-sweaters, clouds, wind to bring in the week
+sun, sunscreen, flip-flops to close the week

+Tractor Bob (our wonderful neighbor) tilled a huge garden for me
-rocks, rocks, and more rocks are taunting me from where seeds should be

+An $8,000 grant was awarded to a team of teachers at our school to purchase Promethean Boards for next year. Yeah!
-I realized I was $100 short of grant money to pay for the District Art Show that I will be setting up tomorrow. Oops.

-Saturday morning we got the news that Walt Johnson had passed away. No matter how prepared you think you are...grief takes hold and won't let go.
+Prayers were answered to end the 2 year courageous battle. Our faith helps comfort us in knowing that this faithful man is rejoicing with Our Savior.

+My dad had to check on cattle that he has at a feedlot in Boardman, so we got a wonderful two-day visit. He even went and spoke at both first grades at Washington about raising cattle. Reagan proudly introduced her Grandpa as Uncle Jason. (You didn't know I came from one of 'those' family trees did you?)
-My mom didn't make the trip because she is in Portland watching my niece and nephew while my sister is in Boston to run the marathon tomorrow. Run hard Jilly! I am proud of you.

+About 6 hours after my dad left, Marc's parents rolled in from Eastern Montana. Marc, his dad, and Tractor Bob dug post holes for our fence. Vera (mostly) and I whipped out another 'Recess' quilt. Many hands make for light work!
-24 short hours later they loaded up to head to Yakima to see Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa. The trip was too short, but we made the most of every minute.

The week ahead looks like another busy-mixed-bag sort of week. The weather is all over the charts, my allergies will be too. I will delight in hanging all the incredible art for the 5th Annual Pendleton School District Art Show on Monday and then tear down on Thursday in time to help set up for the memorial service for our dear friend.

May comfort and peace shake the grip that grief holds on us...
May friends and family know how to reach out and ease those hurting...
May the words come to help me explain to my girls that death is a time to rejoice and not fear, even though we feel such sadness and loss.
May we all cherish in love and life the gifts we have been given.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

47 days...

Lent: 47 days of:

  • no Facebook

  • no Blogging...or blog surfing

  • no Diet Coke

  • no coffee
  • (almost) no Chocolate*

*Does accidental ingestion count? I mean, I didn't accidentally eat the chocolate donut gems, but I just did it without thinking. As far as I can tell, it was my only slip.

While I was 'out' I kept myself plenty busy. I wasn't sure what would be the worst of my sacrifices. The computer withdrawal was pretty tough, but I think it helped me the most. The Diet Coke was only really bad one time...that was at the movie theater. Gatorade simply does not wash down movie theater popcorn adequately. The chocolate was bad! No coffee was the worst! I really missed my morning cup of java. I think it is just so routine in the way I start the day. It is also impossible to isolate yourself from the tempting 'fresh coffee smell' in the staff room. Tea just didn't quite cut it.

Here is a quick recap of events around here:

Baby bummer lambs - two - Flower & Rose - adopted from people who quickly realized that the 'cute' takes a lot of work. Luckily, by the time we got them they were only needing 2-3 bottles a day...and they are now completely weaned.

Puppies - two - You saw Griz as a little ball of fur...he now looks HUGE compared to our new addition 'Basil'. They are only 2 months apart in age, but right now Griz looks enormous next to her. We think Griz is 1/2 poodle & 1/2 terrier. Basil is 1/2 Shih Tzu & 1/2 Schnauzer. We love them LOTS.

4H Lambs -two - Buck (who jumps very high) & Storm (who escaped his pen one very windy afternoon) are growing and thriving.

Sewing - lots -
  • 4H outfits:
Reagan: Olivia PJ bottoms & T-Shirt

Grace: Marco Polo Monkey swim pants & T-Shirt

Taryn: Flower tank top & demin capri's

  • Anne: Bird quilt as a house warming gift for the Nelson's

Phew... there was more... but I'm getting sleepy. Did I mention that by stepping away from the computer that I got at least one or two extra hours of sleep each night?

Happy Easter!

I'm back! Well, almost. I will post a 'While I was out' soon. I can't wait to 'catch up' with the blog world. I am also excited to tell you exactly what I was able to accomplish while I was logged out. It was a lot.