Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are you kidding me?

Other potential post titles?

  • This was not on the list!
  • *&^%$^&*
  • Jake...the Good, the Bad, the Ugly!
  • Theme? Can you name it?
  • Why I love The Grocery Game.

Clue was one of my favorite games growing up.

Let's see if you can solve this blog mystery.

Time: 8:48 pm

Evidence: See above & below.


I'm pretty sure you all get the idea here.

* * * * *

This was not on the list. - I'm talking about my 'nothing' weekend list.

*&^%$^* - Pretty self explanatory.

Jake, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly.- The good - he's adorable. The bad - he kills cats. The ugly - I don't know how I'll wash him...I can't get near him right now.

Theme - Can you name it? - Candles and other pretty smelling things.

Why I love The Grocery Game. - I got to dig into my stockpile of pretty smelling things to take the edge off. Unfortunately tomato juice hasn't hit my list, so I'll be shopping for that tomorrow.

* * * * *

Oh dear. I'm now nestled into bed, remote in hand, candles burning, praying that Monday doesn't stink too bad.

What does NOTHING look like?

It was Friday night when Marc asked me what my plan was for the weekend. I replied, "Nothing!" It seems that the best I can do these days is make a list. Allow me to list what
ended up looking like this weekend.

Friday night:
Enjoyed babysitting the Nelson girls while mom & dad had a date at Hamley's.
Baked a Confetti Cake.
Tucked girls in for bed at 9 pm.
Watched ER from Thursday night. (I love DVR)
Read Blogs.
Tucked myself in at 10 pm.

Cleaned the kitchen.
Balanced check book. (Is it payday yet?)
Torn down oodles of boxed and supervised the burn barrel.
Sorted through my freezer to make meal plans.
Went to Vigil Mass.
Ate dinner at La Fiesta.
Printed out Grocery Game shopping list.
Tried to watch Oprah's on DVR. Fell asleep by 9: 30 pm.

Grocery shopping.
Made homemade applesauce.
Walked 5 miles with my walking buddies. (Only 95 to go...)
Went and visited day old puppies. Not cute enough yet to be considered irresistible.
Began setting up the playroom again. Construction in that room is complete.
Made dinner.
-up next- Amazing Race. (The one reality show I would be tempted to try.)
...set out clothes for this week. Picture day is Friday...yuck!

All in all the weekend was wonderful. Nothing turned out to be just enough. I read the newspapers, I played on the computer, but I still felt like I accomplished a few things.

I'm hoping as the school year routines become more established I can get back to the 'creative' side of my blog. Right now I'm posting to try and remain 'connected' and to keep track of this insane season called 'Back to School'!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Disney Delights
A List

One Daughter

One Mother

One Grandmother

    Two Theme Parks & Four Days

    Dozens of Characters

    Hundreds of Smiles

    Millions in Memories

Disney Learning per Reagan

"It really is the happiest place on earth."

"If it goes up, it's got to go down."

Disney Highlights

Princess luncheon & autographs


Key Lime Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory (twice)

Hannah Montana bear from Build-A-Bear

Disney Fireworks

Real Tinkerbell, flying on a zip line, above the castle.

(That little green fleck above the castle is Tinkerbell.)

Heat felt from the fire from our nearby seats.

Disney Downside

I went on this ride...I hadn't seen the sign.

I did quickly notice the barf bags inside the car after the latch was closed.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Lists are the only thing keeping me going these days. I have 'blog' written on a list somewhere. Yet, not on the top of any current list. This is a short post for my favorite brother, Jason. He keeps me on task. Thanks to Stacy too, for checking in. I miss you all when you don't post...but I get it. Really, I do get it.

Things I've crossed off my list:

  • Set up my classroom.

  • Clean out drawers of summer clothes that don't fit.

  • Finish one quilt.

  • Make a budget for this school year.

  • Photo of kids on the first day of school.

  • First day of school.

  • Round Up Twilight Breakfast.

  • Pack for Disneyland.

  • Finish book #4 of Twilight Series.

  • Camping w/Nelson's @ Target Meadow.

  • Pick Huckleberries.

  • Make Huckleberry pancakes.

  • Make Huckleberry muffins.

  • Freeze Huckleberries.

Things still on my list:

  • Upload pictures and update blog.

  • Order pictures. (1,000 + photos on computer...not yet printed.)

  • Read other 8 books on Summer Reading List.

  • Organize Sewing Room.

  • Lesson Plan...get ahead a few weeks...stay ahead. Ha-Fantasy world-

  • Take Reagan to Disneyland. (Sept. 10-14, 2008)

  • Make Huckleberry Crisp.

  • Survive Back-to-School September.

Photos may follow...

Future posts will happen...

I'm just not promising when.