Thursday, December 25, 2008

Digital Christmas Timeline...

These are the digital images of past Christmas photo's. I have all the others too...but that would require me to dig through large boxes of unorganized photos...and well, that isn't going to happen.

I'm not sure how the time has gone by so quickly...

I remember each of these as if they where taken moments ago.

Now...what kind of mother would allow her two youngest children to drink Kool-Aid before their annual Christmas tree photo? Hmmm... anyone?


Lindsay said...

I LOVE it!! :) Your girls are BEAUTIFUL!! :)

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Wow!!! What a fun post. The girls have changed so much, but they have those unforgetable smiles in ever picture.

I got a little sentimental when I saw your old fireplace.

Anonymous said...

cute girls!!!

Anonymous said...

cute girls!!!