Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Gingerbread House

Grace has a way of touching people. She never forgets a face.

One special friend is 'Grandma Julie' from our church.

She is a retired Special Education teacher.

She has never been Grace's teacher, but she has always loved Grace.

A few years back she started a special tradition with Grace.

Grandma Julie bakes homemade Gingerbread Houses and invites Grace over to decorate.

She has a great time and consumes WAY to MUCH sugar,

but I am so pleased that Grace has her own special friends and traditions.

Some things in life won't ever be easy for this girl of mine,

but touching people will always be her gift I am sure.


Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Little does Grandma Julie know that she has spread the gingerbread wealth as Grace is also the most sharing little girl in the world. She has certainly touched me and I know there are BIG BIG BIG plans for that girl.

I think she is appropriately named for the Grace she spreads to others.

Lindsay said...

How awesome is that?! She is appropriately named ... and I just know she'll be Grandma Grace to someone wonderful someday too! :)

Stacy B said...

That is the best Gingerbread House I have ever seen. We didn't get to that this year. Maybe since we are staying in Corvallis until the snow melts we can use that as something to do :)

Grace is one lucky girl to have a special Grandma Julie!