Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Laundry System

  • I love a system.

  • I love routine.

  • I love order.

  • I do not always create successful systems.

  • I do not always follow through on systems.

  • But I love them anyway.

Here is a view of our new laundry room. Marc 'custom built' this nook, it may be my favorite little cubby system ever.

We each have a space...We each have a basket.

Marc has had the laundry room operational since September.

I created the laundry system recently...and today I got to see it in action.

In theory...the clothes get washed, they get folded, they get put into the correct cubby.

The kid grabs a basket.

The kid takes clean clothes up to room.

The kid puts away the clean clothes.

Then ...

the basket comes back down to the laundry room.

Wish me luck with this laundry system. I am optimistic.


Lindsay said...

LOVE it!! :) Great step-by-step pictures for us visual/hands-on learners :)

Anonymous said...

I thought marc did the laundry

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

love it! beautiful system! mine is much more crude! might have to steal this idea for a post.... when we get home...

Caroline Little said...

Hi Anne,
Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have enjoyed yours as well! I can't tell you how much we are enjoying Jake. What a precious gift he has been to our family. Thank you for your love to him for a season. I think he likes the city life...he never wants to be outside unless we are with him. it is kind of cute. He is teaching us in his gentle, patient way how to better love an animal. we are thankful. Your family is beautiful! merry christmas.

Suzie said...

In "theory" shouldn't the laundry baskets be filled with dirty laundry before they make it back downstairs? ;)
If I didn't have a refrigerator in my laundry room, I'd get John to build me a system like yours.

Your "sheepish" friend from Athena

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I'm so happy you have your laundry room and system in place. I know that takes "a load" off your plate.

You and Marc are creating a wonderful space for your family!

Stacy B said...

I need a system! I love it that the girls are participating in helping with the laundry. I just got a huge washer and dryer and I'm telling you...I need a system!