Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Pioneer Girl

I'd like to introduce you to Laura Swanson. She is 35 years old, married to Albert and has 3 children. Her oldest son, John, is 13 years old. Max is 10 years old, followed by her youngest daughter, six-year old Danni.

Laura just made it to Oregon by way of the Hacker Valley Trail. Along the way she encountered poisonous snakes, death, rabies, and friendly Indians. The highlight of her journey was being Wagon Master and making it to Oregon with no deaths in her family. Her husband lost his big toe to a snake. Poor guy.

When arriving in Oregon on June 4th, they celebrated with Pioneer Activities including:
  • tin punching
  • cleaning roots
  • square dancing
  • quilting
  • pioneer food

I believe this will be a journey 'Laura' never forgets. I remember my own trip across the Oregon Trail in 1980.

As great of a learning experience this was, I am SO HAPPY it is over. You see, as mother of Taryn, I was quizzed on a daily basis, "Should I get rid of my dutch oven or my yoke repair kit?" and "Do you think I need more dried beans or more gun powder?" My reply was always the same, "I can't tell you, because if you die because I told you to throw something out of the wagon, you'd never forgive me!"

My darling Taryn informed me at 4:05 pm the night before her Pioneer Day that 'Laura' would really like to be able to wear real pioneer clothes to school. After a brief moment of panic, then the realization that with even 2 weeks notice, I would wait until the last minute to get started, I began sewing. Now I will be prepared when the next two girls are in 4th grade and are crossing the Oregon Trail.


Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

She is the sweetest thing!!! I just adore her spirit for learning.

Lindsay said...

How cute is she?! I love the outfit & the "advice" or lack of you gave her on traveling the trail! :)

She looks like a natural for Little House on the Prairie! :)

Ronda said...

What a beautiful pioneer girl! She may have to teach me a thing or two she learned on the Oregon Trail!