Sunday, June 29, 2008

We be jammin'

Today Athena and I made 106 cups of strawberry freezer jam. It was a very perfect way to spend a day when the temperature outside was 106! We each have a freezer full of assorted sizes of jam. Big ones for the family. Smaller ones for camping or gift giving.

Just in case you were make 106 cups of jam you need:

  • 28 lbs. of strawberries
  • 30 lbs of sugar
  • 16 cups of corn syrup
  • 4 cups of lemon juice
  • 16 pkgs. of MCP Fruit Pectin
  • 106 assorted containers
  • 2 Grande Lattes from Starbucks
  • 1 swimming pool & 1 sprinkler for the kids
  • and about 12 hours!


Lindsay said...

AWESOME!! Where did you get your berries?? Klickers?

I just did that 2 weeks ago & will again in 2 weeks... our rows of berries are loving the 106 degrees!

Happy Jammin' :)

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

That was a fun day!!! I wasn't very helpful with the jam :( Moral support.

Stacy B said...

Holy Camoly! That is a lot of jam! What a perfect way to spend the day.

BTW: I saw some long sleeve swimming shirts at Scheels today in Great Falls. Do you ant me to pick one up for Taryn??

Hope all is well at home!