Saturday, June 28, 2008


The girls and I made our 5th annual pea picking trek to Hale's Farm in Helix.
Five years ago my friend JoAnna invited us to pick peas.
It sounded like great fun.
The peas were delicious.
Pick one, eat five, pick one, eat five.
I ate peas! A lot of peas.
In peas - out peas.
I learned.
This year we got to dip buckets into the trucks after we got tired of picking them by hand. The peas had already been picked and shelled. I thought that this was the best idea ever. My eyes were bigger than my bucket I guess. I took home two 5 gallon buckets filled with peas. Last night I was at my utility sink until 1 am cleaning peas. Today I was giving peas away. I decided that maybe I should stick to picking peas, it would save me a lot of work in the long run. This winter when I am able to pull fresh-frozen peas out of my freezer for my homemade chicken noodle soup, I'm sure I will be happy that I have a lot of peas. I have eaten my share of fresh peas for the season, and my freezer holds about 20 quart bags of frozen peas.
Tomorrow I move onto strawberries with Athena!


Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Those peas were stinky!!! Thank you for the peas. I am excited to make a fresh pea salad for the big BBQ and I can't wait for that chicken noodle soup :)

Mom said...

Hooray!! You have a utility sink. Progress is being made (Good job Marc).