Friday, June 13, 2008

Relay for Life

In honor of our friend Walt Johnson, the Sokoloski family hit the track on a beautiful summer's evening to do our part to Fight for a Cure! We were not alone in our support of Walt on the Buckaroo Track.

Team Sokoloski

Walt Johnson Cuts:

Reagan's little legs got tired.

Mine did too:

(How come he looks like he is in pain?)

Another smiling supporter:

Taryn can keep up with Marc's pace backwards!

Walt's lit Luminary:

Let's all remember PREVENTION:

Gal's that includes monthly self exams and annual pap smears! Boys - don't be lame...cough it up! It only takes a moment.


I expect you on that track next year in your purple SURVIVOR shirt.
Maybe you can kick Marc's pace into high gear.
Aside from being a proud member of TEAM JOHNSON, I was walking in support of all the wonderful FIGHTERS & SURVIVORS at Washington Elementary. You ladies are tough! You inspire me with your amazing strength and determination to never give up the fight!

1 comment:

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I can't believe how many survivors/fighters we have at our school. Our school is a true statistical analysis. You and the ladies do a great job fighting for the cause. I truly think this event is the highlight of some of those ladies year.

I saw a lot of Walt luminaries and quite a few baldies.

I choked up at every child wearing a survivor shirt. There were quite a few... gulp!!!

I love the pictures you posted!!! Great one of your family. I love that you did it together. I love the picture of Torie and Reagan. They have matching smiles.

Next year you need to get purple and white or at least purple bands on your braces for the relay.

Is it your birthday today... tomorrow... the next day. I know we are in the vicinity. Just let me say happy birthday today. I am so blessed you were born 29 years ago :)