Friday, August 22, 2008

Trillum Lake

WHO: Cousin Camping

Anne & Jill - Taryn, Grace, Aiden, Reagan & Madeline


WHEN: August 18-21, 2008

WHERE: Trillium Lake, Mt. Hood

(This is a 2007 didn't look like this with the smoke from the forest fire and all the rain.)

WHY: To teach the city cousins about camping fun.

Day one: I had to tear down camp at Camp Creek by myself. Marc & the Smith's headed home on Sunday evening so they could work on Monday morning...poor things. HOWEVER-I was left to tear down camp-alone-in the pouring down rain. I tucked the kids into the van w/snacks and a movie. The process only took me about one hour. We headed to Trillium Lake where I set up camp-alone-in the rain. The kids continued snacking and watching their movie. We then drove down the mountain into Hood River. I had gotten passes for us from the RAC in Pendleton to use the club in Hood River. We swam and showered! It was a much needed break from camping. Aunt Jill & the cousins pulled into camp right behind us that afternoon. I showed Jill around the lake & the campground, we ate dinner and feasted on S'mores!
The kids were all asleep in bed by 9:00. Wow-that was a big accomplishment.

Day two: Jill ran around the lake twice. I walked around the lake once. We rode bikes. We made nature prints. We played games. We ate lunch. We drove to Frog Lake and played with the frogs and went swimming. We wore ourselves out...we called it an early night...because the rain came!

Day three: Jill & I decided to ABORT the camping trip a day early. There was a total DOWNPOUR. The good news is that this time I had help tearing down camp. We got the job done and Jill headed back to Portland. She is running Hood to Coast this weekend. The kids and I headed home.

We took a quick detour at Rasmussen's Fruit Stand in Hood River.

We bought apples, fresh corn and wonderful sunflowers.

Even with all the rain, we considered our first Cousin Camp out a success.


Lindsay said...

HOW FUN!! I want to be a "cousin" some time :)

Your pictures will be picked up on Monday from the ESD... so you'll be getting them soon!

Stacy B said...

We must get to Trillium lake, it looks just beautiful. Was that the weekend of the fire actually on Mt. Hood?

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to go an entire month without blogging