Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January Quilt Project

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to make a project a month. I am happy to say, I completed my January project with a few days to spare. This was much in thanks to the additional snow day we were blessed with this week.

This was my first attempt at an applique quilt. I am pleased with how it turned out. I couldn't have done it without taking a class. It is so helpful to have someone walk you through a project. I also did the quilting on my machine using my new walking foot and free motion needle. It isn't perfect...but it is done!

This is a gift for 'Grandma in San Diego'. She is a dog lover...and has a habit of wearing a blue wolf t-shirt more than her kids would like her to. I guess it is a genetic thing...as my mother (one of Grandma in San Diego's daughter's) wears a certain UPS brown outfit more than I'd like!

Penny Thoughts: Measure twice cut once...(forgot that once)...the seam ripper is your friend...(needed it more than once)...be careful you WILL become your mother and YOUR children will make fun of you too(they already may)!


Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

I really love it and your grandma will be thrilled. What a token of love :)

Ronda said...

I especially enjoyed your penny thought for this post. I use my seam ripper to "unsew". I would like to see all the other quilts you have made!
Sew on my friend!

Anonymous said...

This is from the UPS lady. I've only ever worn that complete outfit once. Give me a break!!!